The Trustee for The Love Your Sister Foundation (ABN 92 770 192 934) welcomes bequests from people who share our ambition of advancing and promoting health, science, research and cancer vanquishment.
Step 1 - Contact Love Your Sister
If you have decided that leaving a gift to Love Your Sister is right for you, we thank you and encourage you to contact us hello@loveyoursister.org
Step 2 - Discuss with your legal advisors
Creating or amending your Will should be done in conjunction with your lawyer or legal representative to ensure your Will accurately reflects your wishes.
Step 3 - Tell your family and friends
It’s important to discuss your gift with your loved ones to ensure they understand and support your reasons for choosing to help Love Your Sister in such a powerful way.
The following is a list of the types of bequests that you can leave for The Love Your Sister Foundation in your Will:
A percentage: some people decide to share their estate between a number of people and charitable organisations.
A specific bequest: you may prefer to gift a specific sum of money or asset such as property or shares.
The residue: this is any amount left over once you have provided for family and friends.
Alternative bequest: you could provide in your Will that if any named beneficiary cannot accept your bequest, Love Your Sister Foundation will receive that bequest.
The following is a sample of the kind of wording that may be suitable for potential bequests (again, you should discuss the specific wording with a lawyer).
"I give, devise and bequest _______* to The Trustee for The Love Your Sister Foundation (ABN 92 770 192 934) of 11 Third Street, Warrandyte, Victoria 3113 to be used for its general purposes. The receipt from an authorised officer shall be a complete and sufficient discharge for my Executor(s)."
* insert either:
the whole (or ...%) of the residue of my estate.
the whole (or ...$) of my estate.
the sum of ($...amount).
details of particular assets such as shares or property.
Should you require, please contact Love Your Sister at hello@loveyoursister.org